Page 22 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 22
Happy 2020! byluhn ioasii
lot lwppmd last yw * ll-t 5 people were hospitalized and 75 l‘5““d' NW’ '“5“l“‘l°"‘ ‘"33’ °' ‘"33’
it was 2 relatively sali year residents evaeuaied. This particular “°‘ "35""-
lor pipelines» The National line had an elemac nesirwelded seam lnvesligalions lake nine. Investigators
T‘?"5P°"f3“°" SafeIy_ B<>_ard and was coated wilh mal Iar hm, as of wanl to get it vriglii" and try Io avoid
lNT.5Bl °"l".‘"“"'g.“‘°d “"° l"l"’]'“° lanuaryy 3°20. NT5_l3 had not released iniure aeeideriis. Guess whal? we ALL
arridents: Firsts a 2:mr11 naiui-al gas _ my i,,o1,m,m,, fi"d.,igs_ iiidioo misiiiioo We Say oi. do iiiingo
iriair. aiuieeonneeiionio a4—mL‘11mam Oh _ I h h iiiii iiwo iiad iiio do omdgdiii wo
(bath Flame) was damaged by a 0--5-l’ i §"c:i;;fi:’f;“Z;‘:““’i mm probably would not. The same goes roi-
party eireavaior Installing a alieropne P P h h _ k d ‘hing: we did mi do
cable in San Franrisco. The leak cauglil ‘W9 ““‘59‘ 9}’ “'9” 1 9 ‘W9 Pl‘ 9
die iiiii dim woio no ini-iiiioo -piioio liy the NTSB. E0111 eoiild have been The helium line — Iry 10 iii: Ihings so
was an evamalion and serviee In several -n-rh “’°'§9» That sand, the lass nf Ihat ynu would not feel uneoinionable
hnndned eusiorners was temporarily W" one llle -5 S-=meIh-ng that should explaining what happened to a jury or —
eunailed. Secondi a 3o——diarneier navy: he r1:ndo_r-ed» Wl-atvdcbtl-es» two even worse — in ymlr irioihenli
nauiral gas lransmissinn pipeline am Ems M m_<°mm°"» _r-E \_m_ . . . _
i-iipiuioa and taught fire aiioiii 35 iiiiiss relax-vely small d-amener plies:-c pipe -n 3;;3;;jal;;rke;j*’i;i‘;i*;';‘if';fi)';:'i;*
5°“‘l""“‘ °‘L“‘“E‘°“- ‘“"‘““‘Y °“ 3-my-' ""3 °‘l‘“-‘Was 1”“ d'“““‘" Sm] all the ins Eltlyionl mmcnls iroin its
‘‘“€‘“‘ '5‘- 0"“ P"‘°“ ‘"5 l“““d‘ ”"’“ '" 3 "1“'“1y ‘ml “'°“'iT1“ °"ly vveli site agd swilcgled (or all praeiieal
:;:*;“ purposesgo what l‘lad”l:::31 termed an
wo imdw How) did inlegrate liuspettlori proeess.
ii i, ii. i d niave lieer. involved in a niirnlier
W id - :i;:iid"i‘ 'i’idiii of iiiese "new" [A exercises nverthe
°" V9“ 5P9"d 3 "“°k°l ii d9 i past year In my personal opinion
resu e in res. - i
to talk to an excavatofl Odo odd, odiiiiodii PHMSA roisssd die bnal with this
1 C NOBODY decision. The [A process is a LOT
w 5% of 81 1 Magazine feorifdi do mm more work ion both ihe inspectors and
- Is "3 NOBODY , is iidopy ihe pipeline opisi-aiors. niavenoi seen
"'49. , o i o _ , _ ,_ « 7 _ iiidi iiioio mm any meaningful lmprnvemenl in are
A. y& 4 _,v§. oooiiiiodo ouisoines oiilie inspections. Just my
-i_.._ _..~i:p:’l .‘i,' “V ; /4 \ Iwo rents.
I . .i ' 5, . -_\ ( 'rheNTsBihe , ,
u . , § \_r;‘\\_‘ K Pipeline and :‘V|l}| niespeiio h’;l]l:n1]akInE§. the d
i , 5: . i i ii id azar ous iriui u eina lng an
\ s 35 i Mgjgdiiggiioiy Ihe iis. oaoioionio Gas “Mega
. 4, Adidiiiioiiiiioii Rule" were pulilislied. Bolh take efiect
i \ — ,1.‘ .*’<i\Vi\. ipi.iM5A) wiii nexlriiuly I515. There is rnoni in (‘Ellie
. _,.v 1 ‘ U‘ . i-ega mg! 2GasMega Ru e. l o
(9 ‘ §§;';§ii;:,ii,_j;'iod nol envy ihe Gas Pipeline Advisory
Make it‘ 03 N ::Dm1Ilnlllee}[lGPAC) or PHMS’1|\.
so _ ina yi wit respeei In real]! nrizalioni
happen‘ - '32? ’ act-den! IPHMSA nesi assured Ihal ihere will lie hearings,
l-:5 a lot -nvoriv PHMSA will lie reaiiihorised and ihai
1 an two we we pipelines will continue to be regulated
501—472—011 5 ‘”' lnrlflimls fllzl |lI)2v hy PHMSA and PHMsA's stale panrieiis.
i— are mveshgaung _ V
Sales? 81 ‘ magazines C0!" and ovomiioiiyy uniil next lime. be sale oul uiei-en I
5"“ "“P°"5 W“ be low. I/tram rrfired /roiii Pl-IMSA.
Fur qursflarls ar £‘0mlIIE7II5i eiiinil;
20 . LoulslarIa811 2020, Issue 1