Page 3 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 3
Zocaklzaxza, ‘
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ave you ever heard that change is in2vlIabl27 well, there has been a recent
change at our center — our own David Frey, executive diiector, has retired after
serving seven years in that capacity and serving 32 years at Louisiana 811 David
was instrumental in drafting the language tor our current Dig Law and has been a true
advocate fur damage prevention fur decades. Anyone who knows David personally has
muoh appreciation tor his passion of our program and knowledge of our industry. we
certainly wish David the very best in his retirement and we'll definitely miss him.
our board ui directors was very proactive in addressing David's retirement by naming me
as the interim executive director. what our stakeholders can expect during this transition
stage is we'll continue providing excellent damage prevention services to you and the
process of naming a permanent replacement will be as seamless as possible.
I am truly humbled by this appointment and extremely excited to accept this responsibility.
Ym taking my role very seuously and intend to do my best each and every day. Our board
has entrusted me to lead this organization in a protessional manner until a permanent
replacement has been chosen. l sincerely hope, as my predecessor did, that you will reach
out to me should you have any issues vinth our program because 1 value your teedback
You can rest assured that we at Louisiana 811 want to do our absolute best to tuliill our
duty as your 811 center.
In closing, let me state that the future is bright tor Louisiana 811. our board and staff are
continually looking tor ways to improve our urganlzatlnn. we'll continue to strive to be a
prominent leader in damage prevention through innovation, education and technology. lts
what you have expected oi as in the past and what you can expect in the hiture.
until next time, please be safe out there. someone is depending on you to come home at
the end of the day!
Brent Sallzman
lntei-im Executive Director
Louisiana sii
2020, issue 1 Luulsluna E11 . 1