Page 4 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 4

5 Letter from the Chairman of
the LA 811 Board of Directors
Cole Vanderlick. Manager - Damage
Prevention. Louisiana 811
8 Share the Dig Safely Message
‘I 0 The Advantage is Clear. White ljning
mzmsmez SEVES Tlmé and Time IS NIOTIGQ
Loilslsna an .5 puhlnhed quaneriy.
Pugs! cox Puhlsher Ame Marrs Steele sum»
Individual subscflpnma are mueme whheulnharge in
me umea mes.
m subscribe gn tn wwmomermem2.mgazmes.eam
No mmenal in {ma publication mag be reproduced in any form
withuulwrman Iximem. Edltnrial and advemaing Information new
Ished Inllia pmneemn are Iaien from snurces considered in be
reliable, but the publicaflen cannm guanameelheiraccuracg. 1 from the desk of Brent Saitzman
renee mnvnerm. and articles are encnursged and can he em»
mined tn: ,
Email: pubfisheI@8iimaga1irves.1:om 4 Louisiana Convention/Meeting Schedule
Leuniana an
or 2215 West Boardwalk Du men Peuge, [A were ,
1he entire cmnerns cupgngmed zuzn bu Lmhiana en 7 Fallule to Communicate = FAILURE
Ail rights reserved. Published June 2020.
12 What Tough iirnes Teach Us About Ourselves
14 Why I Wear a Seatbelt Behind the Wheel
16 Firs1»Ever Online Training and New Best Practices
for Working Safely Near Underwater Pipelines
18 call Before Vou clear
19 Flood Insurance
20 Jacobi Perspective

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