Page 14 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14

Be aware Of pipeline I I larkers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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Many Pliielilneefnnefnles "elsnlnt'l_¥ neiglwlmr and provide you with -his are helpful in lotating pipelines. they
inspect! eirng ts—o—waynsmg an: importanlinformalinnlo hslpllyau d I - ‘d ' r - r h ln
«aomciscis.mnis.wicsmncc suspeclaprohleminarea.I"ipeline .;;:;',,*:;:l:,s:‘:,:‘i:::,:5:::;i;:,,,;:“
inspect»-s took tor pa-must danger to companies nu Ills safe operation of ii iii iim iii P_.i,_my ,u,,dii,n Di
pipelines such as construction activity Iheir infraslrutture seriously. whitlm Ihese markers ls Io identify the location
°' Sign‘ °‘ 3“ °n “nI"‘“‘ '93“ The“ includes protecting your family. your of the pipeline gcnscnlly as an alen lo
lnsnectlens along their pipeline routes properly and Ihe environment. Bscausc iims who migiii gin wnrking alnng iiis
are in ensure the secnnlly and lnlegrily amiss cllllgcncc, incidents are very ms. pipiiim m,,idc,, fin. another many
ollheirlines» F I . 1. ml or during the conslruclion of)“:-Ines
oryollrsaelyplpemesaremar _ .

Pipgling Comwmgs imp in mud‘ by above gmmd signs to Provide cu buslnesses nsnclsy. You slnonlcl be
on a regular basis with emergency in indicaiimi Di iiiii, Presinm nwnre of any Plpellne m3‘_'k9T5 In your
omclnls and work with local Emergency ,pP,.i,xi,,,m imiion‘ mmiai cmiid i_1eiglnlmrlwod- As the 5§)’“1$E°95r
responders alongpipeline n'ghLs—of'way and the name and cnnlan lnrmnsiasn “"°‘” Y°““"“E“'°“5- “"“°‘*°‘_""‘1“
in casc ofan emergency, sometimes omis mmpany ii,“ Dpmies iim name and plnnne numbers appearing
cvsn Iraining with fire dcpnmncnls or Pipzim Markm may in anywhm on the Plpeltne marke-‘s In case of
hazardous materials unils. Even though aiimg iim ,igi,.,c.;,way (3 mil, oi iini emergency»

a leak or spill is extremely unlikely. usually about 25 10150 feel wide um Pipglinz iiiiiim m iy"por(anI_ in,
Plpellne companies provide inlmnnatlc-n conlains a pipeline] or direclly um Ills snlsly ofthe general public. It is a
 Ilnat which yi-u ivillufind on the Ills plpcllns itself. These lnnnkcns are fzderal crimE for any person In willfully
Va Ewing psgfisiviséivi preparehynn gen21'nllyye]1o\v, hlackand redmcolor. deface, damage, remove or deslrny any
mi ezventt atit ossocc-r.T en Thep|pe1memaynolfi:-llowaslralghl pipeline signs s.-n'gl.l—cr—wny.nnclccn
hope is to continue to lie a quiet course helween markers. While markers

12 . an 2020, Issue 1

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