Page 15 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 15
one of une greatest single tlwallenges us sale pipelisse operalions is use aeeidenial I. Lncated neanoaoa vallmads and along
darnagz caused lsy exeayalion. eonsn-nuion. [arming acliviliesy or even homeowner me I em" mop
conslrutlicln assd snainienanee. Before yon dig or extavale. mnlacl use onecall “ “ E “'3”
ceniei by simply dialing 811 from anywhzre in use United Slatzs. please call lselas-e 2. Manenospspenne panel planes
yon slan your project. whelhzr landscaping, building lenses or performing a major 3 H “mm M
construction projzct. ripeline tompanies and other niililies will mark use loeaiion ' "e 5
or their lines al no cnsl to yon. pipeline and utility markers may no. show use exact 4. aainsea me1sI.plas(lc cvilbevglsss posts
location or use lsnned lines. wlsen extavating neas- pipelines. snany easnpanies will
rzquire that ilsey have a pipeline company rzpreszntzlive onsiie lo inspeel and
proletl use iindeigioiind pipeline. Failure lo cal] Sn before extavalicln is use leading :
cause of damages Io lsns-ied pipelines. one simple can can help keep you out or I
harm's way. '5
Eyen if you eanse wlsai appears to lse only minor damage In use pipeline,irnmedial21y "
noiily ilne pipzlinz company. A gouge. ses-ape. den! or crease (D ilne pipe or eoaling
snay eanse a lainne nipuis-e or leak. It is critical that a (‘ill or Lrokzn tracer wirz lse
repairzd. II is isnpes-aiiye llnai use pipeline owner inspetts and repairs any damage 1 2 3
In use line oi related apparalus. Many slates lsaye laws requiring damages I0 lse
s-eponed to use facility owner and/or une 0ne—Ca1lcenIer by dialing 3... Do nut
attempt to make use repairs (0 use line yoinsell. ll a lisse is ruplurzd or leaking eall
gin. Conlacl une pipeline eonspany as quitkly as possilsle. ripeline markzr signs show
ilne pipeline eanipanys namey emergency ieleplsone nnsnlses and pipeline contzms.
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. JULY 27-so
. . mun. vuluc suvlc: cormlsslou
Us In nxlmslis IunLl( scum: connlsslon
anmsas on 5 us connlsslou
- LDUISIAMA om or mum nzsoulcrs
our commitment to safety. LUHISIANA us ASSOCIAYION
HISSISSIPFI mu: snvl(: (onnlsslou
use nrxlro vuluc Isauunou
Call before you dig
"”ZPRllXllIR " A ®
2020 issl. 1 S11 . is