Page 18 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 18
on Melissa Hancock
an Magazines
ouisiaiia Sn is only as powerful inarked. liyusi allows us io avoid any naiui-al gas proeessing: explains Nieole
as iis pai-inei-sliips and only inayor issues wiili digging." Lew-ridgzy nianager oi saleiy. iraining
as zfieclive as its cullahorative , . . . . . . . and community relaiions.
sfims‘ Gsmns ms Ward W \V liile vwid Ink nas uiiliaed Louisiana V V s
. . Sus valuable service over ilie iiears, ll Nieole lias lmzn wiili Kenenea fur a
about dainage przvenucln is noi a one . » .
man show and it is Ihrough beautiful 3°13“ ‘>;;’l_;“s¥S- ‘}",'.'*‘;.“;;",°;;°~ {M}; $3‘ ‘f“'_““” 3 :3“ ?“"¥
working relationships wiili Louisiana 5”‘? ‘:5 3 E ““P;‘ ‘Y’ “". I“ "3 ‘E ”;”° 1‘.:’s'l"""‘l‘s""s (I
bssssnsssss was s ssmmismsm so sass“, as eis a roa range o seniiees roin exls scncny an s ares a i e a ou ie
is M M msd » snnple business ea.-ds io ccunplex i-elaiionslnp belwzen Kenenea and
5 5 ' yelniele wraps. and Louisiana Sn lnas Louisiana sii. “Kineiiea is comlnilled
iie sue ouisiana usiness is wi ene ie roin l e wor o wi n io eon ueiin lls usiness in a rnanner
0 liL" lo‘ 'V"d bfidf li kfV"d|k d'g'li' '
Graphics‘ with in-anelies in Loili Balcln as well. we liaye pi-inied liannei-s tor wliieli proieeis ilie environnlenly ilie
Rouge and New orleans. Vivid Graphics ilieni iliai say ‘(Iall Before You Dig‘ liealili and safzty of iis employees.
and Louisiana sii liaiie lieen working and liaye some grapliie iliai sliows eiisioiners eoniraeioi-s and ilie
iogeilner sinee Vivid G.-aplnies opened exeaiiaiing equipnlznt or ilie slioyel eoininuniiies in wliieli ii operaies. li's
a liiile over 20 yeai-s ago. wiiln one of logo. we havz printzd a loi ofgraphics ilirougli suppoi-iing this eoininiiineni,
ilieir speeialiies being signage, Vivid for iliein over ilie years," says Josh. ilie pai-inersliip bunvzzn Louisiana Sn
Graphic seeles out lielp ii-oin Louisiana V. . d I k. Is H d s d and Kinztica was iorined. Louisiana
an on a daily liasis. senior Aeeouni ‘h‘:‘_,(s;1 gig I; ,‘,‘::’s';s: ‘sP[f"‘ an is an iniegi-al pan or Kineiieas
xzculwe, os ze w o as een . , u in awareness i-o -ain. ineiiea
E 'JhE11yh1wl> lfls Ffhg plir pgi K"
wiiln ilie cumpany iliineen ohluose ‘ “s“ °‘”“ 5‘ ""‘“»‘,:' .3: and Louisiana (in have a iniiuially
twznty years) zxplains, --we do a in ;*°k gswff H I "f=°;i'.V- >1“ WI‘ ‘ supportivz reiaiionsinp.~
oireal estate dzvelopment signage— n n 5 * 3%. 91° W V 5" ' 1* r° " ° . .
whish is ms sismss so ls‘ Psspls efcavalnfr sll(l1lZll1lwgEASls1lS sserv|L‘a:y bsul Isn1Nslcol2s :11: wiisln CDr€Im|I]|'ls|Ifi V
knws my shssss s “W ssshdmsssn a so as la|§cIlL s saung ie iinpor an ie a ions. s e as een inyo ie in a
. . inessage wiili ilieir own tlients, and ya.-ieiy olouireaeli eyenis. we work
going up, iliere are new houses being . . . . .
bums Ds shssss s nsw dssslspmsm linally iiiilising ilieir eoinpanys purpose iogeilier io spredds awareness tllrough
b . _ d . ls d. in ilie prinnng of liannei-s tor Louisiana eyenis sueli as. liaison ineeiings io
eing eonsiiueie . we ave io ig so . . .
. . Sn to help proinoie ilie iinpoi-iani edueaie excavators. Loasial and Marine
inany leei in ilie ground to pin in our fd _ Y . 0 s CH0 D.
sisnpssss for mm 0‘ ms ssmpomy inessage o aniage pieiennon. pera or ( . . |sE\/GIIIS. iggers s
. Is 1 d _ . _ . Niglii oui events. Industry eiienis, inail
slgnagly Hi we a so o perinaneni Anoiliei business iliai lias ioois in .
. . _ . . . . . . . outreach and niueli rnore.
signage iliai rzquu es digging as well. Louisiana and a lloui-islning pai-inerslnp
so. on a daily basis we are using ilie wiiln Louisiana sn is Keneiiea rariners, "Louisiana Sn lias been liiglily
Louisianasneorn welisiie." LLc. “Kinztica owns and operaies oiier sueeessiul in spreading ilie dainage
Josh fmlsss “Plains hsw shs nsw isoo mlléssclfnaslurdl gassn-aiisinissioii preyeniion rnessage. praises .\iieole. liui
. . and gailiei-ing pipelines. our pipelines noi wiilioui adding lier and Kineneas
iniei-iaee lias niade ilieir work even . . . . . .
sssisss “Mm Ws wsuld hm so ss“ span ilie Louisiana Lv\I1fCoasst ii-oni V connnllment io ilie callszsand in doing
Larneron rarisli io maoueinines rarisli. so denionsiraiing a unny in purpose
3"" "wk ‘° ‘°"‘°°“°‘ b‘" “°‘” ma‘ Enrmltz Kineiiea owns six onslioi-e wlnen slne adds "Kinzlica and Louisiana
iliey liaye ilie inieriaee online we are I .1. . ‘J ls B P s S k as s ’ I 4(< H S L I
ms to so and mask shs sits and ms aei ines. o nson asyouy a siersoni ii ass "3 you p ease .a ii e ore
. _ . peran Island‘ (4DCL7dI‘|i'y Leei-ille and you dig. wiili working relaiionsliips
“”““d° “’}‘°“' W“ ""3 g°‘“5 ‘° be Pori siil liur i-oiiidin se araiion sueli as iliese Louisiana an will
digging and wiiliin 24 to is lioui-s d d hpd s!’ ,3 P] ssh s. s 1;, ’ d d 5
we sss msmsd shat shs sits has bssn an e y ra ion seniiees a ongvu eon inue o i iwe an sueeee .
16‘. Loulslsvufill 2020 Vssuel