Page 19 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 19
High Ccrlsequerlce Areas in accordance with We Need Your Help The nations infraslrutturesy
federal regulations same areas near pipelines have heen including pipelines‘ are a matter or nanonal securilv. If ynu
designated as High Cnnseeinenee Areas For these areas. wiiness suspicinus aclivily on a pipeline riglni—n{—wa'y. please
sni-Pie-nental hazard assessment and prevention prngranis nepnn ii to the appropriale aulhnrities as man as possible, in‘ you
known as integrity Management Prngra-ns have been may eall ilne pipeline npei-ainrs numI)EI‘S. Threat advisories may
tieVeloi>e-l- ii a Pipeline operator has High Consequence be round at the Depanmeni nr Hnineland seem-iiy's websile www.
A.-eas. information aboul these plans may lie available dllxlgoly/dh§pub11c_
Ilmrclugh uieii nnnpanys website or liy contacting ilie
operalnrs corporate nniees.
There is a wide range nfpmducts traveling Ihrclugh uie _Nat'°ll3' P'Pe_""§ M3PP_lll_§ System For
ilnnusands of miles oi pipelines, everyining rnnn gas fur tnlortnalmn ahf--it l>ii>ehnes operating in your area’ ye" may
your Cal‘ Io nxygen inn hospilals. Many of uiese prndilcls ean eentaet the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS_)- This
be highly flammm har‘nEu] if i"ha,Ed_ mm eye or Skin daialiase of pipeline npeeann-s and the localmn ei then‘ lines was
,,m,,D,, 0, Possibly cam dippmlw blwhingy Sam 0”“ designed in. the pnlilie to lnaye aeeess to enniaei inrnnnanni for
malerials could cause envirclnmenlal damage. Because of P'PEl'"E C°r"F'3‘"95 °P"3"“€ ‘“ Y°‘“‘ 3".”-‘Tbs '“f°""‘3“°" C3"
mm Pmml papa,“ it is i_nPo_.,m ,0, D“, neighbm (D be found at u/inw.n;2m.r.yhm:a.t1ol.gol/. V|S|I nnnnp{i.ine.dni.ynn/
be able ‘D mngnize a pipgfim leak :1;nunfliiiise/nfises/oygisesnipelineesnfisiy {in morde imp.-niaiinn.
or H] ormauon on sa e excavation, gn on me an Vlsll u/mu/.
can Owners Bi-"Id 0’ Dig °" 3 Ri§ht'Of' Awareness is the key In preventing pipeline accidents. You can
W39? Pipeline rightseefeway must he kept free from ennnilnne lo the safety and security in your neighborhood by
sn-neini-es and olher obslrutlions lo pi-nyide aeeess to I11? k“D“Vh]g Wham p;,,a1;m am and k,,c.w;ng 1m. .0 ,m,gn;,a
in-peltnefiu maintenance‘ as well as in the event at an unauinniined attivity or signs of a leak. as well as how to iespnnd
ernergene.v- if a Pipeline erosses your Property: please do in the case nf a pipeline accident. Pipeline enmpanies continue to
not plant trees or large shrubs on the ri.-;ht—ol—way» Do net strive to lie good neighbors, and jusl like any good neighbnrlmnod
tiigi hnildi stare or Place anything on or near the rightsoh walch program, neighbors lonk am for easln enlnei-. Jnin in wiiln
Way Without first having the pipeline mntpanys personnel die pipeline eennpanies Io keep nur iamilies sare. .
Inark ine pipeline or slake the righIs—of—way and explain me
eennpanys ccinslrilclion and easenieiu requirements to ynu.
" SAFETY IS oun . _
. . H
Ont Community. Our Safety. Call 811 before you dig!
Visit www.sholl.|ulpipolino or www.cul|8l I .:om
nu-an til.
3 Gina-vruls
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2020 issue 1 E11 . 17