Page 12 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12
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“ hen Ihe excavalinn site silnaliun for but]: themselves and the almost impossible to acruralely describe
cannot be dearly and lucalors marking their jobs. Even a job site.
adequztelyidenlified s1sa.- andzccurate infurmalinn relayed F _ 1 ‘h I. kl .d .1 _k
onthelocatetickel, verbally nrinwrilinglo nnepersnnmay d°'§;“““l‘*’f' ° '1‘,°.:.“’d" f'“‘[‘
Iheexcavalordesignaleslhemule nulbeclearlu anulher. 1.“ ? P’‘;Pf' -" °_ * f:‘?,"’-
and/nrzreatnbeexuvatedusing § ‘. .‘ _ V lh_ ‘.’°“l“‘.{’l'|"*;°‘3"‘¥“:l"“'Pfi'?;" 1
whitepremarking,eitlmrnnsileor ;?;;;fi;';*5_' ‘*'{§‘°_‘j"fl.*-H, 1% “S1 ° ff? :5 3°",
elecIronically(w}|en availablethrungll ' ‘“ .°‘:"fl““ ‘’'‘‘l‘'* E‘ “_‘*} fh PL"P:“.-‘ “‘*‘f‘h.P;°"f' l»‘d'." fr; °
‘heman“mmPmmD__dm_ing sa..3..s.s...s_as leexac e as sass“ .s ms Avncu s
. . ,. Ihenr d.|g 51125 in the Call Cenler. lmlhsldesulll|eproperl\'.Whenll|e
Iherequesllurllleloczleuckel. As _ . . . . . -
. Markmg vunr ,a1a m whne paml can excavalor arnved to do the work, he was
an excavator, Ihns Common Ground d_ ‘. »11», d ‘h I H. 1. l_ 1 M) ‘h [1 ‘ dl
mam(cmBEM,mm(“__sim‘ '13:‘ ms y amass eamnun 0 {ms rusnze ssausswa leexpece n
. . . .1 mm Lake to explain the exacl louuon be located was not. w hen the lncalor
nliojnsone oldie easlesllools vuncan . . . , . . .
. . » oi vour d.|g site. Exact site mfornlauun was mlled had: us the same site because
Ilselunnrreasell|eelfic|enL‘\'uf\‘oIu' . » . .—
. - .- .s...n lumterl to the address. n also Ihe uulmeslladnotheennmrkedwhere
“”"“"““ P’°‘°5‘*T“*‘997“‘“‘-" includes: ecifirderri Liunswilhin .1 - w ~ -1 1l'tak' 1
sludV“Pmterling l’uhlicSafetvll|roug}I . P ‘ P ‘”‘“‘*“‘°"‘“‘“““* 3‘ “'5?”
» ,,1sask. hewasfnxslmledhecausehelllnllghl
Exravauon Damage I-msnunn lav . . , . . —
. . » rightor1211sldehvllenfacunglhe hemarkedwhaltlleuckelullerlfor.
Ihe NT_sB reached the conclusion was . .
. . . structure):directions(nm1h,easl|fmm ..
prenlarkmg .s a_ pracllce Ihal helps 3 dmrflmble md mmmmg Wm Tlus .s not to say, Ihe taller was wrong,
P"9"9“‘91‘”“'3'-|°“*d3'“3E9- D; _.Efmm_ and mmm dimms but it is In) say Ihat Ihe dirertiuns were
ExravzturswhnIzketl|etin1etu"while Ixnasakasnwsspuaaszs somsumesars “"‘1““"‘h°1"““‘”“‘m‘“‘"“"‘5
, ., . . . . . ' '12 was lncaled that didn't benefit
line Ihenrjnb s|tescrealezwm—\w1n 5‘
ID . 511 gm Vssuzz