Page 13 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 13
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siuisi-nmy. Cnnsequenlly,frustrations Nut marking the enlire\vm'](siIeisa enjo_\vzhleIola|](tolhe folks in the
uccllrred for bulk uis exravzlnr and common occllrrenre. In many uses, ii is ufiire. but oft limes they dmil really
lucator and mi. snrisisa down lime as Ihe aim i-ssnu of unclear instructions know what's going nn 1| the job sile.
Ihe result. And on down lime cast mi. nn uis asks. and almost always 50, having an cell number nmis site
cDlnpaniEs in uisin izntlllonl lines. Ccllnplirunded by the lack nfwhile lining s|lpEn‘iSD|‘ or the cunlarl person nn
... . . 'trl'tl|tll 1- 1. -iii '1'] L-f
Io underslandfnrlucamrs,loo,Tl|e la" _a Eolfmmckmm __msd_E J ’
iucators sis looking for sperific m“;5;_“fi_imi‘m Proms agd mimfim in this nsiy dinisnii time of coping‘
lnfoI1nallcInl]laIielslilElni:.I‘mW ‘he mum“)! _h_WE_m__Edum wnii-snsinidisinnsing",nsns.-iinsn
wiim In mark. W'hiLe iining around ‘he Wssibiliw 0‘ dflwnjm for both been inn.-s ilnpm1anl to minimize face
aprupnsed exravationarealells P” » . . Iufzcedisrussinns. “"hile lining and
. . Ihe excavalur and iocalnr. W hue .
Ihem \\'ilEr€ to spend tune finding MM and __d“w m__ki_w m dfmm sharing good rontacl nlllnhers can
Ilndergrmmdutilitiesuncethevzrrive = . » . .= . goalongwavln)nnlunlv prnmnlea
. » Inelilnds Dlltlimlnlunlcallng 011311)}: - »
nnsns. Because an lucatnrhasariear Sm “Mhfl_1a__m”_m]»l healthy Iilestyle,butrancrezteasaier
indiralinn n; on exravalion area, less ' = ‘ enviromnenl even aim we nverronle
lime is spent on areas where excavation However. there are Limes when Ihe Ihis national crisis.
will nul min. This gives Ihe lnralur the lncalor and excavator must mi in s
. ~ Help I:mEa.I]I:rIhEl‘CI|ll. sinn-siiinss
Iimetoaccllralelvlucatellndergrullnd oneancI[ilEronlhEpi'Aon€.TonIai{E . .,
. - . . phonenlunimrsandlI'\'\\'lulelu1u\gfor
lauluueslllatneed roletllfllldllrlllfl Ihalhz n,Ii'A€lI:n:aIol‘lnIlsIilavea . .. - -
. P = P?‘ . ruhlabnlilv and safely’ W
excavation. gnndrnnlacl number. Nnuiiniirsiim P ~ --
;‘020,!ssuz-2 Loulsrarlufill . 11