Page 16 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 16
s a young leen when l inilially lam sore lhal .ny wifiu whe kindly where rhe readway was lo hegin
slartnd driving. i did nel wear reviews every anicle fur me will ask lhe "jL7ggad' several hundred yards across
my sealhell. In lrnrh, given sarne ouesrion. i learned rhis hehavior. anorher read wilh a dillerenr nalne
lhe age or cars i could afiord lhis habuy nor hecause il was lhe righl and resumed on lhe orher side. lsorh
ar lhe rime sealhells were nor even parl lhing re ds or hecause someone else inlersecling road nalnes were included
nf lhe equipment and were cerlainly leld lne lhal i should de ii. i learned in our lecale rzquest and al lhe lilne,
nel requircd m he worn. even illhey its ingrained ie inlo rnyscll. hecause il while lining was nol a curnmon praclice.
were rhere. Thus, early in Iny driving achieved resulls, lhe resulls I needed ll Once‘ arler visiling lhe jobsitey l wenl
"career: i never gol inre lhe hahil. worlred. when ir cernes lo whire lining‘ hy lhe parlofl1wL-interszctiun where
. .. l k'l1f-ldllw . l1w'dltd"'v.' rd
l hecanre a delivery and pickup driver in Ohio, eur Reviszd code requirns . ‘ ’
. . . . , . . . covered wilh an array elllags. -rhese
lerrhelarnilv hnsiness.-rhev pruvlded while lining in rnanycu-cnlnslances hul .13] I _k». .. ,
. » , » . . respons. e or mar ing lhe ufllllllls
rncwirh a relanvely new piclrup lruch allews solne alrernanves and L-xcL-pumls. haddD““1W,oL mml mhm
lo drive. one equipped wilh sear hells Yer il seelns lhal we see roo many and we had as ‘jldi Nmmhgess we ‘did
and extrenmly hard hench seals (not enliries wilh ehligalions under rhis pare um mlmm“1m’VEmd€d (Em
hrokzn down hv years and lniles cl elrhe law failing ro use rhis lool. i agree ‘5 . 3 * ' ‘
, , » » . colnrniinicalien would have helped, and
selricel. i wish 1 could say i changed lny lhal solne sues do not lend rhernseh-es whim uni“ is a W Imam wag of
hehavior wilh and my arlilude towards ls pre—.narlring or that in serne cases, dam ma‘ ‘3 V »
sealhells ror solne ahruisric reasen, while lining would creale lnore ola 3 *
hm lhe lrulh was, when driving across salely hazard lhan ir would solve. on So. lhe message is Ilwaty whenever
a rough yoh silly ir was lhe only way I a roadway, ler exampln. But clverally possihlzy lo inlernalire lhe salely
cenld lreep rnysellhehind lhe wheel, ll "painls' a :11-arm‘ pittum af lhe precauliclny nol looking al ll as a
wilhin adequale reach ollhe sreenng ercavalors inlenrions. And if ie allews necessary renuirernenl or as a wasle or
wheel and rhe hrahe pedal wilhoul a mere ellicienl lnarlring process lhen limtu is a lnore emcienr way ol gelling
sliding across rhe hard hench seal lhe rime saved can he used lo correcrly lhe resulls needed fur sale ercavalien.
and away frum lhe wheel and pedal. l accurarely mark ulililies on rhar jeh er And it ll allows yeu lo rhinlr of yoursell
resigned mysellro wearing lhe sealheh anorherjeh. all or which prolnore salely as rarnelli lanes or Kyle Busch‘ so
ir was equipped wilh and envisioned in rhe induslry. rnuch rhe herrer. 5
mvself as Pamelli Jun:-s ur Junior . .
» . , years ago. we were zxlendmg a roadway
Johnson slrapping In helore a race. Bu! . .
m H H [h h M M‘ kl a.,,a el,.,l..,.._.,ll,. rnq||Q5[|ng]g[a[g§ an lyllvrllrlllvKulnrllufl/ll
an H .v- C a I | a - W‘ W rmwing ‘he mrydngs we l,.l..,el l.,cllm.,l,ll I/JUL/Ill
so where am I geingwirh lhis. and hew lrnew we needed lor safe excavauon.
cenld il pessihly relale to while lining? -rhe prohlem was lhal lhe inrersecrion
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