Page 15 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 15
to enjoy life during this pandeinie, then Lets look at positive thinking lroin mm, to gmmg 3 M9,. Pm,“ _ 0,.
you may he one of the more positive another perspective. AS inentioned, nation. sharne on us if we dont.
thinkers with a default position on the research shows our default position _ _ _
right side of the cnntinuum. may he a til. ratio of positive to negative "“‘]'_;"','§ ""'“;"“,m‘,"|': 5,"‘i'”“h
. . . _ wor vvi e pan ermt is ringing t e
ll you are asked if you wanl to he sad ;:‘i'r‘l“':§ ‘:3:”f3:“d‘::_f;“}::‘_§':‘r§1:]::m world tloser together as everyone fights
or h3PPY« my guess is the! you would . g E ' . . . . ’ the same enemy. The lessons (or all
. k ‘h I H In ‘ T1 ‘ ‘ in her book‘ positivity introdueed . . .
P" E. 3 er W”. . E m.mEF' ‘E at the notion to suive [or a 3.1 ratio. To of "3 "9: " the muetuve 'm211'g°nC9
is negative and positive thinking are do (ha, imp imp ,0 Lmniug Mm is smarter than any one individualv
mulually exclusive, so WE will not he ' _ and 2) ‘he dggme D, CooPEra‘ion in
1‘3PP)"hi"ki"E -g1ytho-g1~ts- §;':;‘;:;§§;;:;t,)f;;;°;:;;;:;; 3;“ no scientific community on no
Luming Point Nunther Three: Do on that switch and turn on our positive ?°;1s<_:Ve1]y we can sshjeve megs Ills-ll‘
on have the neeessar selt—eontrol svviteh ls thinkin ahont the hlessin s 3" ”' "3 "‘*‘'°“5' “‘ 1”“ “.5 ""“ 3‘
y y y l; 5 kg . . d g
to shut ofi your internal switch of in our lives. “ 1: 3‘? *“'"““5‘“‘Y ‘° ‘""“" "5 ‘’
negative thinking and to turn on your . . . ls“ 35" as 5-
positive rt... do that by direcling :;:;";;'§s{]:':;::;g';;;f;;:;f;"Ef5:;Y In nosing nns ah1icle,yclu need to know
your thoughts to the more positive bmms s,_._,'n 9, WM, “mud ram“ numerous studies have shown pclsilivity
ehmeterislirs in your life Remember g P ' leads to improved health‘ thus longevity,
the cliche’: we are what we think ahout Learning Poinl Number Five: in more and eloser mendships, imp.-oned
rnost. paraphrasing the words oi a reeent personal and protessional produetivity,
Let’: lgm [hf covgmg world (0,. P°1“}“3";* I this s1s_s{w1eTlgeésOslml:ly and positive people make more money.
a rnornent ivhile l inention a rorrner “? Wm ‘ ° 3“ 9 W“ ‘ E . ".9 Now on have n, what are on on, to
. vnns out to ensure that [his expenente V v E «'4
eolleague and dear lriend who sufiered ( 1"’ h h b u . d I do with ll? Your ehoiee. M
a devastating stroke 10 years ago that *3‘ *5 ;“ °"’ ‘,”° ‘““f_° “I °‘. 3“ hf’ ,
left him partially paralyzed. in the P'"_°"‘ “‘.“"~’ “‘f“5°‘ ‘°'" “W5 ‘ *5 Law’ We. PILD-. rsfiwmier ef
Wm: ofDa19 Ca|!nEgfiEV "W ,0 W," enc-m-ens -mpac - Tenntuot o colxxullmg campany thnt
Friends and lnlluente Peoplzy he The hottom line is to take advantage or "=’P5P”°P’P """" “’9“’"=“ ”’““=""‘1
learned to aeeept the worst that .night the adverse events in our lives hy using '1““"°"= ""4/9' °°"*"’°"“ '0 L‘"'.>’ “’
happen and enjoy the daily lslessings Ieamrmuae@gmm!-wm-
lite has to olier.
lmnaua nnvnmlnn W‘
A caA REGIONAL ehuvueu event
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In pg:
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- January 19 - 21, 2021
Crowne Plaza Baton Rouge