Page 20 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 20

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Call Befo e e.
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You Clear :  5 - .
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s a result or Ihe unprecedented it you are a utility receiving tbis cross bores oi sewer lines can result
covmto pandemic. rnany publication, please consider providing in unintended sewer blockages that
Americans are working trorn your customers tlne satety message — may cause a backup or wastewater into
home and making health and ‘Avoid iluslting disintectant wipes and buildings or ltotnes creating dangerous

cleaning a top priority. Disintecting dispose tlnese types of wipes in waste consequences {or residents. in ordzr to
wipes are lnelping people coinoat tbe bins!’ If you are an excavalor, especially clear tltesc bloclrages. plumbers .nay
spread or genns, but sorne individuals our great plunnbcr triends receiving this cboose I0 use a rnecltanical rotary tool.
are not properly disposing of the wipes publication, please consider and slnare or root cutter, to clear a sewer line.

and are tluslning used wipes instead of witln your associations to “tall before This can damage a natural gas line
disposing ot titern in tbe trasb. you rlear" to confirm that a cross bore Ihat has been unknowingly insened

. . . does not exist in Ihe sewer line Ilwal is to into a sewer line.

This is leading to sewer blockages he dgmd

across Ilne us and increasing the risk ‘ cross bores are an irnportant

ot "attivaling" existing cross bores. cross bores are typically created wlnen consideration everyday out especially
Newspaper articles quoting water and undergronnd utilities are unknowingly in this lime or crisis and lieiglitencd
sewer board olficials from New York inslalled through unmarked sewer awareness of the need to be millions,
to Los Angzles: from Miami to San laterals. Cross bores can lay dormant calling before you tlear will be seen as
Francisco are reporting bigiter drain tor months to years with tlneir exact Ihe responsible thing to do. W
cleaning activity in laterals and even in locations unknown.

sewer system mains.

‘ I I I Q Would you spend a nickel
to talk to an excavator?
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