Page 21 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 21
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- . , ;~ A :_e— V —- - r, *-‘en By Vllglnla izeamea -'
j . I-~.~-'— e- » ‘A _'*,‘ ThePalIL‘_uCenKsr
'_ ‘Ag _ ,4 "g -l_ I —l ,mcxsem.Ms
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had a call lhe olher day from house or olece huilding (hecause flood Likely Pnslsehiliw §‘otentiel» How do
a ulstomer who was smoking is flood — personal or husiness) is nol you ever feel secure?
rnad — his house gol rlooded ina in a llood zone the bank is nol going lo whm you an, “lying ago," Envgragg
‘ rarnslorrn, and his agent (old luin require flood insurance. Thais lr1g1wl——l[ Wm, your agm m you hm_,,mg_, in
" “’““‘ ‘°V"“d :1“ “““""f’ 15°’ ‘”i“.‘d" ‘If ‘f?;." 1“ ‘Pi, hearing what’: ayailahle in gel or only
yoga, p,c.1,_.,.,i, wmy Zjffegjsdiel “K; ilgjrelh: W;1:i‘s'j;1ood wha. you haye to gel? If you just aslr
‘ . ,, almul what you have Io have to sausly
You see il on TV all llue ume; here Insurance requirernenis. ‘hm you dosing mvmmems‘ yam
‘°"‘“ 3 W5 mi": “"‘" “ma” d°""‘ using me scenario ahove. just because nc-I going to know What you eeuld have
3 ""3" ""1 ‘‘“1‘''"‘‘'‘“ ’‘°““‘' "“'°“g1‘ the bank doesnl require ii doesnl mean to protect that large investment you are
the from yards. across lhe street and you won ‘ Wish ya“ had i‘ a‘ mm Pom ahou‘ U, ‘nah.
into lhe nexl lrom yards. \Valer [laws W dmi“nEan“oodcamha_ mm ‘ _ V
down like Niagara Fa1ls—OK, inaylae W m En F1WdZDmdEa|11j_mh Unless FEMA resin-res It» the hank,
nollhatmutlw. hul enough to noiiee,— tyhg ‘,’,,y,§y,;1,yy' Dgggyin flood dam E whee else in as hi-as hunw asyc-u are
enough to wash out your yard. n gels P Y e -'4 - doesnt whether you set no-on
into the houses usually in a new l-‘EMA classifies risk by using lhree msnranee AND unless Flood Insurance
suhdiyision, and heres lhe newscasier Dverartlwing flood zones based on lhe is for a loanelosingrvyou re gonna have
holding a rule in [mm or a liorneowner likelihood of flooding in that area: a 30 day went to get It_anywe.v- 'l_"hel/I'e
wnossaying, ‘And insurance wonlpay _ H, I’, k S . m d” d ehet-nc-reIntes'es|ed|n P1'°“3‘“"§
[or‘h[s"donvtknDWWlla(‘VEV‘1Egoi]lg -31 us or Perle 00 em iheir inieresls (their collareral) Ihan in
so do; {Wee are leflere I‘ DYV " heed proiecling your inleresls. Thais up In
insurance IS lederally rzquired. zone you
\iV1waI kind of insurance doesn't cover v is the most hazardous flood zone,
Hood? and it is usually round in beachfront Eheap insurance is not cheap» But it
. ' '1
ayaurn.a see d;:::::;;:“,3::;;;l1:::;V5;;,3;'
cover (land. It‘: a tomplelzly separate - Moderalefisk areas are zones B when you “my ,1 mg_.g_y
policy — and lhars lhz only risk it and x. _
does cover. Flood is nev2r“included" . . Y°“|' hflmer )’°‘" h“5mE55 P"°P“‘}’ ’
in 3 hameowllgr D, Pmpmy PD1iq,_ - Lew’-'-sk areas are Zenes it and X» ihaus what you work all your lile Io
layer. The only place In even gel Flnod ohyiously, lhe nearer you are Io waler, have and enle-y» This Is not the Place to
lnsurance is llwz Federal Govemmznl. the liirelier you are In have water barge-n hunt-
Your agenl. or course. is where you damaging your propeny. The furlher Al 123:‘ gm your agzm Explain why:
apply for |(. away you are iroin waler — coaslline, mnahyg ,0 you ,0 Wm, mmhing
where to slarl? who's at (auli? who in "Y9" P°“d' 5""“’" ’ '1“ 1"‘ "my y°“ you've got!
H ,, will have flood darnage. Eutdonl lelihe
"‘""’ word “1ike]y' lull you into a falsz sense Let the facts help you deeide W
Leis “blame' the hanh. They require of securily. There's No area totally free
are insurance. don't Ihey? But, il the of the polenlial lor Hood.
2020 lssue2 an .as