Page 9 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9

Fai I U re 1:0 I I
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he sielses said To mark she irons or propeswx To . p, , L A , ,
she loeasor, is-ons or propersy sneasss propessy “ '}_~ ' N 5 -' “ *_ E V ’ I
in is-ons or she house. To she callers from or L U '~l F E =‘ E N L E
property sneans prclpzrly in from or she haels fencz

whieh would inelude hosh sides of she psopessy. when she

excavator asswed so do she worls. he was frustrated heeassse

whas he expected so he loeased was nos. when she loeasos

easne back so she sanse sise, he was lssssss-ased heeause he

shoughs he marked whas she ticket ealled sos-.

This is nos so say, she ealles was wrong hsss is is so say slsas '-°U'5'AN‘5‘5-W5 /95‘

she dss-eesions were uneleas so she loeasor. cosssespsensly,

rsssssrasions oeesssred los hosh she excavator and loeasos and _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I

hosh sullered down sisne as slse resssls. ‘'  H ‘ 1 E —‘ — ‘

Nos marking slse ensire worls sise is a common oeeun-enee. I

in many eases. is is she dirzct s-esuls of ssnelear insssssesions —

on she sielses and alsnoss always eosnpounded hy she laels I

or whise lining assoeiased wish she loease request. whise

lining eonshsned wish eleas language on she sielses improves I
she colnlnunicalicln ps-oeess and sninisnises she posensial tor

dasnages and s-eduees she possihilisy ordown limz los hosh

she excavator and loeasos-. * s~sss.msJmg-_xgin-or 
whise lining and sssilisy masking as-e efis-esive sneshods " :'s|l7I'r1A~.:l'‘l3E' . av

or eosnnsunieasing on a job sise, wheshes large os- ssnall.

Ilmvevzr. shes-e are sisnes when she losasor and excavator

muss talk to one ancllher on the phone. To make that VIVAX

happen, she losasor snuss have a good eonsaes nunshes-. Nos T

shas it's nos nnjclyahlz so salls so she (ours in she clfiice. hus 'V'ETn°TE‘=H

ols sisues shey dons really lsnow whass going on as she job .

sise. so. having she eell nu.nhes- or she sise supervisor or she ”"'““° ' °‘“"°"' Fa"! E“V' "““ ‘”°“"‘"‘
eonsaes person on sise heeosnes a esisieal eosnponens of a . csaaso aasassaa cross nose Inspection nnanis

ssseeesssul job. - lntemal logging wlsss slossa sass anzlysls

when aslsed who should inisiase she eall so lseep she ‘ M‘ “"'* ""‘°"‘°" "*"‘

jab sunning ssnooshly, snoss sap -There as-e a eossple oi - In-emal callbvam checkl-s

isnpossans shings so nose. Firsl, less make sus-e shas we have

exchanged phone nunshers. Nuw less salls... The loeasos

and she excavator need so undes-ssand eaeh oshes-s sehedule. mmwmmm WWW mm
who inisiases she call is nos as isnpos-sans as when she am, mm M,m'W, mWm'1,,,°
eall is madza she phone is answered. now else ean is wos-ls Rumlvararld Swan Ylansmlllu
smoothly? ‘

\VL-ve all learned shas sosnesisnes we nsssss leas-n she \

dilres-ense hesween whas is said and whas is sneans. while 3

all ssalseholdes groups have sheir lssssss-asions under she hess

ol eis-eusnssanees. many of shesn are selfinflicled. ‘ '

As she end ol she day. hosh she excavator and loeasos have lg‘

-1“ Sam gum 30'1" Want W take Fantastic Cm 0‘ 11"“ lrlipaclplpasmlcmssbL7ns!mm2'mJ' Lmzlagaslmnsmlsslurlarld
eussosners, Ilway wans so kezp she puhlie and sheis esnployees upm ssh [eel W lnrlglh wss sh. eoannxe fllsmhlmurl hm: with mash
up and My wan, to mapp 3 pmgp sssasosos oassesa Syslnm usss, Lucamr

is heeosnes snueh easier so he ssseeesslul and eessainly  
less lssssss-asings when we learn so cmnsistenlly and clzarlv V n h C , u ,,__
eosnsnunsease wssh one anosher. ls ssarss ls exehangsng ‘ ‘ " ‘

. 1251 osaass suns sass Fm: aun44s::w1 Email Salli xrnl Bum
P50“? nulnhérs and answering '1“ C311’ d ssssa Clam cA95n54.usA esons »14nae7:u—14nn nss.._s.ssssssass€s>lVass.rss_eosss
2020 !ssue2 511 .7

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