Page 10 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 10

2 O 2 O L . . S ‘t
llendees, sponsors and exhibitors proclaim . 1 .‘ ‘ . i , A i _
the 2020 Louisiana Summila surress! This “ W ‘ ‘ ‘ ' '
year‘: Damage Pievemion Summit enjoyed .  i  ' ‘
awhopping13%increaseinallendanreovsr —- .= - —._. _ ‘I  ‘é —,

. 7 . . _,_ 

1.-.5. years Crowd. Feedback from attendees tells us the .__-_—_9'< - _ 0: —

sessions were excellenl as theywere exposed lomosl “  i . 
eveiyuiingrmm newruleslo newletlwnology. - ,  -.-' “V-vg-3 :‘;‘;t.‘~.,. :v‘= ' 3'5:
Many Ihanks to all our sponsors and exhihitnrs wlnn '‘.</> *' .‘ ‘-: ;.lg“;»»>-3;;;¢;,—-  ' _» . —»
make il possible for stakeholders Io gel lngelher and  in  ,  7‘ i_ ‘ .9 7:1 '.
.311: axiom wim we have in rnmmon. we all wanl 5 ’_  :.:3 ,_ _-»_ 2' ’.,;-1».-,-V, .r 1.; .
Io pmteclourundergmundinfraslrurlilreand given .”.."‘ _  ‘_, «. :,‘~_» ‘- .  ‘ \ iv
me opportunily Io learn from nne anmhers unique -:;_';-'1,,;v—__ .;.f_‘;. -‘ _  \. _ ‘ ‘
persperlivesrnakesilezsierln imaemaiid wlmafsal ;:-,e73>2,{;iw’:i$A==€',:.‘i<"v."-vfifib 4 ~.

stake. i;“(:‘/fi'I‘J‘«L:'{};‘:_T‘:l:  1.,-"\Pa =94: I ,,
Topgolfprovided another greal networking opportunily.  a t» If _~_ " --W“ =
we appreciate the leadership o[Dave Gex‘ Almos‘ (or u v§§g:.;'—i‘1§,‘?~‘~, .. .‘ . V “V. 5 ~'

making sure everything gees smoothly and um Ihe  -  . Ag»-’ , . \ V _ 3‘
participants had the chants Io network while havinga  - ) i  » ‘¢'~,'_v- »
grealtime.   -.,  ._ ‘ *1, .
This years locale i-ode» mmpemioii was the largest - ‘ _“ "  ' ) .
group I0 date. Aspecia] thankslo ErandiLynn sciiiniu. ,-05 J :s~ -~ I 9‘

Enlergy fin‘ spearheading this event. she got everyone ‘    xv“? 5.‘ ' ‘  

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 Luzmr hydro  (Ie/1 .. nyhl} ui.,...m..w, mum, KW Orgwuzv, m.4..;.,i.(, mm 1,“ nl pluzrpuu/yr, ;e,,.,s.,..u., as aw, i,.i:,:..i. own,
Slaw Ehrmun, mic .u,:i.e. mm, 1.", HM, Hzmh (‘1lflfll’IH7II\,I\/plklzt Gut  omzzc/.i.,..,...., mi rN....u.., mm, W. Lmepw. mu, le]

 LA :1... hydro Ovyumur, ENI!H’ll.y!lfl SL/Anull, Rm 

s . Lomstarlxfill 202D,!ssu:1

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