Page 9 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 9

clsaslse sald else llx lsne w-as lmroduccd sn easly assg. anel

sales as-e "tllrmlgh llse ssor and feedback is excellent. many I

eessessness lsase lseen able es esy else ssew cqlupmcnt lseloee a

pllrchastu as Dseels wslels orsssslls Laulslana osless a lleee sl \

|l1w—|1auxs cqulpmcnt ayaslalsle lss sens and sells llne senlal 1 -

  they     i » Before You dig,

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 _:m¢§ ' J, ' ~*~ Plpehne safety staxts
" ‘ ~;f s __ {mm the gxound up.

, J; ._ . _,;{ ,~. ea _ I

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 ~  in’ s =
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Always call 311 Izelme

The other hlg name m vacuum cxcavatimn and lwmimlual YIN! Iilg. "'5 Me law
dnllmg ls \'cl'|nccx. Don. wlth \'cm|ccr TCXdS'L0|ll§|fl\\fly sald

elses sassy else co|npany'sfII1|range ofcqlllpnmnty mclllding 5.. m.,,. ,,s,,,.sa. ,,...,
trcllclnng. vacuum ngsy slsseelsonal drlllmg rlgs ansl es-ee ' ' y,,.,,,n,,.y,,,, ,.
essslnsnessl. but that llsess hlggest selles-s as-e typlcally drllllng ‘uypnglgy W.
anel vac ssslenss.

lle sald Vcrnlccr uuroduccd seyesal new pmducls (award

else and ofzmg. eaels wslls lsnnsss-esnenes on llne pseysssss 8“

generation. and else addluon or yae essseles ls else lsne. eye, XI-O
"W: ye always solsl vac txallcrsy but we as-e just gclung imo yae ‘"'sE.'s's'.:.':!l', s ~ s es
trucks. Dan send. "The ls-sselesnossneeel yessson slless sllresene

lssneelons. \’Vil11 else txallcrmmuntcd syseesns. all ysss ean do

is saeessssn and loeale uti1itics.T1wc trucks lwsivc a yee syslesn lo

elean ossl esslyese passes and mixer lesneesons:


lle sald else ssslenss mHcr lsoels ale ansl waeesyee nptionsy and T

elnae llne ssew trucks lsaye lseen noosslas wllln lnumcipaluicsy NIETFIDTECH

but elsae l11cu'u'adlnona1 s-as lsasless s-ensasn popular aesoss V

I1“ bmd, Damage Protecnon, Fast, Easy, and Accurate!
"Every eonesaeeos slsssslsl lsaye a yae esalles. if los sso sllses - Cream walled cross bore Insvecm recur-is

s-eason elsan los pntllollng eseslllses." lse sand. "Sn nsassy jabs as-e -I-«man legal-e wllh cloud -ma mlysls

rcquuing pollwoling sallses elsan nsassssal rhgging lmw." - Real elssss dlsmmnn alerls

Don sassl xessnees ss always mnovalmg elsess- oslessssgs. """‘ ‘E " °"° “ "9 ,4‘

pzluculally wsels \acnon os McLaugh|m cqlllpmcm. 

"Tllcyrc always improving llse sllseellsnal dxil1s."l-lc sassl "The ‘

locallllg packagcs as-e nsose esseelslenslly. 1-lsese as-e lwo ls-oes WEN bum ~;l'W5 jflgcl '=L=“s;;lm
on else Hg — one ls loeaee sslslseses. ansl one los else opcralm WWm,§W,“,,Wm,

es lseale llse dl-ll] lseasl as elseyse drl||lng.T1wls gcllcmlloll ss

snssels easses- fur else guys to esse llsesn And llsey lsaye Grs as

wells sn ifs easy [0 mark hares with GPS coordinates. Its so ‘

slsnole eonsoasesl to wlsal ll used so lse _

Doss said cmnpaxcd ls when elses as-se eanse sale in sgga s P

elne colnpany s dlrcclianal slslll rigs as-e sssslselles-alsly nsos-e (J ‘

aslyanees anel easles ls ssse.

s sas ac lesfimc/ussbnms1lom2' os Lonaa as esasnssssssasa
«sack mm. you her: to he a  and ls-my mess to  ssi‘.,s‘s%‘ s.n.ssno.sssa‘nse nssynso
a drill Hg. Now 1 sell people that anybody nsss our rlgs walls lninacllun Gamma Syslem sssn Lucaml

else m es- esasnln -rlse se so sssn llFlcd." lse sald.

P P '5 ’ P Czllusluncheduluznnn innnnnhllwilmnflnnnnslullun(800) 445.3392

vesnsees orless uammg elasses ls gm wlth llsels new

essslnsssessl sallnsy and always go ssse lss else fixsl elssee sass V-vu-M-‘ml-cl Cvvvom-an m l”"“'==" Ila
H, mm me am on the W, mm,_ And ‘f R (M. qm 0,. sses sessss.,..s sass Free auu4os—:l:l9z Emali sasssssssnsnsn

» , Sinuchra ::A95l354 sss ans. ~l4us!—7:u—lmn n.|muuu;|n:1LnmsLmm

new eennlosees ase lssoss lsl on board. lessnees wsll pmvldc a

new (raimng sessson. flflg

eses Issue 1 see . 7

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