Page 8 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 8

g E ltJ_pdaEted_ t
«-4.-:~E‘nte@y xcava IOFI qulpmen
to Watch In 2020
Always call 
s safer digging Iechniques hecoine more comrnon
across the excavation s ectrulnv inanntactnrers are
E  taking nntice.
_ Tm‘lay's horizontal driuing rigs and vactinrn
extavalion setups are a iar cry iron the hrst generations
yo U [g dulcamederades agn.
For a look inlo what’: new in Louisiana excavation
e ui rnent. we checired in with chariie canthier.sa1es
‘I P
And If you suspect a gas |eak, can representative fcu'SouI11w2sI Lnuisiana for Dilch \tViLcl| of
Soulh Lnuisianat and Don Arrnstrongv branch manager at
1-800-ENTERGY (368-3749) or 911. venneer 'rexas—Lonisiana to see what the 're exriled ahont
this year.
At Entergy, safety is our vii! rt  In M’ i
- - ti V ,
number one priority. ,  r‘ fihfii In H , Wm“
- I 1 r _ - — 1
Make Ityours. W ‘  ‘I 1"‘ LI4. ,
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' r-ea nmunun. - '1  . i I L:
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“Wk ' ¢'  t ‘ Firsl up is Ditch witch's ofierings.
~: -? t 1*,»
 ~,-V ”W2alwa shave sonethin new to Ialk ahont. we car the
_. the _ y g ry
-. n ' “A _ , * inn iine ofprodilcls and sen other hrands nnder charies
:\ ,. ‘e :1 ‘ Madclginfi hvohlccsiriiniiudii-15 American Angers, Hammerhead
_ .  an ll site, artesa. .
’ "  " : He said sales of hydra excavation equiplnenl is strong,
. ' I ; ioiiowingavearsiongtrend nf contractors nmving toward
w ' saier exravalion rnethods. with congested easements,
. _ ~, 4 , contractors can cut downtime and increase profits with the
t I 4 right eqttiprnent.
_ —_r »-e.._, c - ..~ - v ’ ”Wecameoulwil11anew1in2 ofvacuum extavalion
~ : ‘ «.-—-—. ' t. The HX. it's grown by leaps and hounds," he
, _ .  _ ::i“d|Pm2n
i - "' ' ‘ charlie said mnsl oi Ditch witch's innovation is customer
"’vv"“ -7” t driven and based on rocns groups worldwide one requesl
_*‘;;. .~ ' - ‘ -.‘.~;‘ was to lower the profile oi their vac Imcks, relative to the
.. ' -:_..g,' .3 ’ » _ r last generation the FX series. with the new HX series,
W{*v'.~~,_,.-,V Iv-.e g_  _  saddietanirs are employed to 1ower the elevation oi the
 ..~ 2- Ne‘  :_i_e"J --V .t-~ nnit.auowingiorhetterciearancennderohstrnctionsanda
1, » V_ /g,  3  rr ' » iowercenteroigravity.
1: wgssw ' .‘ «  ;..-'-' .— train ., “Wehavellwehestininduslryfillralion.filleringairand
,*f¢,%-1,.’ 9;, ‘ 4‘ 1" "  ' I Aw‘ § dehhris to }ivm‘lett(thl§Vl:1:v@1:‘aEti“:nginfdfi;:mdc:)}:1la1h1inanV5.
-v»~,.- iv '. , g, e _‘ >1. . asexrusweo ic IC‘ esat. n eresanew
'.€*‘;,*i*»>"i lmse storage design. Inslead of wrapping the hose, they're
or»-L——"-‘L #—4~ ———I ~ —' a—-— L — — —» " w— r — stored in steei tnhes on the traiier. its aneat and clean way
 W E P 0w 5 n L \ ; g to store the hoses. And we increased the hiei storage so
you can rtin an day iong now. And the doors iitt oer on the
S . mmmn mm W 1 power pack for ease oi ser\riceahi1ity."

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