Page 7 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 7
Davld Frey Announces Retirement
Three Decades of Service to Louisiana One Call
To Louisiana One Call Members and Stakeholders:
Fur nearly 33 years, It has been my privilege and pleasure to
have served Louisiana one Call members and stakeholders. ‘
My furldest memones will be cf the lasting relatlcnshlps that
have been created, the prugress made In strengthening the dig law, and wurklng tugether
tu provide first-Class member Services while building urle cf the nation's most Costv-efficient
and effective One call Programs.
1 thank our board cr directors fur the upportunlty to lead the organization all of these
years. 1 look back with pride at my rule here, secure In the knuwledge that every decision
during this time was made In the best Iongvterm interest of the organization, our members
and our Stakeholders.
The time has came fur me to enter mm the next chapter uf my life. Retirement has been an
my mind fur the past cuuple of years, yet it IS With mixed emutlons that I submit my nutlce
of retirement, effective February 14, 2020.
1 take great satisfaction In knowing that uur program IS first class and that the board and
Staff will take this program to the next level.
[sincerely Wish you and Louisiana 811 the very best.
David Frey
Executive Director
Luulslana One Call
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